The Top 5 Waterfalls in the World (Sorry, Nature, Green Monke Wins)

Dec 18, 2024

When you think about waterfalls, you might picture majestic cascades of frothy water plummeting into pristine pools. But you know what those falls are missing? A neon-green, tropical-citrus explosion so tasty, it practically glows with flavor. Enter Green Monke Tropical Citrus, the “green highlighter in a can” that we humbly (read: not humbly at all) believe is the G.O.A.T of waterfalls.

Sure, other waterfalls might be “wonders of the natural world” or “stunning feats of geology millennia in the making” or whatever. But can they boast being California’s Back-to-Back Best Tasting THC Drink? I didn’t think so.

Still, as a gesture of good faith and vitamin F (fun), we’ll entertain you with a countdown of the top natural waterfalls of the world—and graciously rank them below the irrefutable #1, Green Monke Tropical Citrus.

#5 – Iguazú Falls (Argentina/Brazil)

Oh, Iguazú Falls. Covering 1.7 miles with 275 separate cascades, this South American beast is like the Beyoncé of waterfalls. Dramatic, unmissable, and always photogenic. Sure, it’s pretty and occasionally steals the spotlight, but does it have a refreshing swirl of pineapple, grapefruit, and yuzu? Nope. Hard pass.

Also, newsflash for Iguazú—a rainbow over the mist isn’t going to make us forget that you’re missing a neon-green hue and THC-packed happiness in a can. Step aside.

#4 – Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe/Zambia)

Victoria Falls is impressive, we’ll give it that. With its nickname, “The Smoke That Thunders,” it sounds like a heavy metal band and dumps over 300 million liters of water per minute. Cool flex, but can you drink it? Didn’t think so, Victoria.

Also, while the mist might technically look “majestic,” it’s not exactly radiating weekend vibes like our Tropical Citrus waterfall. Plus, Victoria lacks CBD, THC, and a guilt-free 25 calories. Sorry, the math just doesn’t add up.

#3 – Angel Falls (Venezuela)

Angel Falls, you almost had us. Recognized as the world's tallest uninterrupted waterfall, dropping a mesmerizing 3,212 feet of water, Angel Falls really goes for the dramatic vibe. Cascading off an otherworldly table-top mountain? Sure, that’s stunning and all—but like... can I crack open a cold one of you after a long day? No? Then we have a clear winner here, my friend.

What Angel Falls lacks is flavor. Where Green Monke packs an electric punch of tropical citrus, Angel Falls feels more like “look at me, I’m all aesthetic and no substance.” Apologies to its fans, but this competition is about taste and vibes.

#2 – Niagara Falls (Canada/USA)

Ah yes, Niagara. America and Canada’s favorite school field trip destination. Niagara’s claim to fame is raw power, natural beauty, and letting millions of tourists feel vaguely inspired while soaking their cameras. It even comes with its own boat tours—ooh, fancy.

But here’s the thing—Niagara tastes like plain ol’ water. We’re talking Mountain Dew without the mountain or the dew levels of boring. No vibrant citrus, no buzz of THC... just wetness. That’s cute and all, but this is 2024. Be fun.

At least Niagara has a glow at night. That’s mildly Green Monke-esque, so we’ll give you a reluctant nod. But only one.

#1 – Green Monke Tropical Citrus (Worldwide)

Finally, the reigning champion—our Green Monke Tropical Citrus. What other “waterfall” refreshes your soul with notes of pineapple, grapefruit, and yuzu? What other cascade carries the perfect balance of 10 mg THC and 10 mg CBD, turning every sip into a mini tropical escape?

Think about it:

  • Glow Factor? No boring clear water here—it’s neon green, baby. Like a Baja Blast met a rave.
  • Taste Power? A flavor profile so rich it should have its own ceramic pour-over kit.
  • Accessibility? Angel Falls might be remote, but Green Monke’s waterfall of flavor is in your fridge.
  • Perks? Only Tropical Citrus can boast award-winning status as California’s Best Tasting THC Drink. Twice.

Seriously, the only difficulty with Green Monke’s waterfall is stopping after one can. You can’t say that about actual waterfalls unless you’re gravity.

Why Settle for Basic When You Could Sip a Legend?

Waterfalls—natural or neon green—are reminders of just how refreshing life can be. But if we’re being honest, trekking hours up mountains or cutting short your skincare routine to visit humid destinations seems excessive when you could pop open the award-winning Green Monke Tropical Citrus from the comfort of your home.

To sweeten the deal, Tropical Citrus has only 25 guilt-free calories, no hangover, and endless weekend vibe potential. It’s the best waterfall to chase, no question.

Sound like your kind of adventure? Who needs Niagara when you can have this iconic green moment? Click the link below to grab your 12-pack and experience the citrus glow-up of the century. 🌱

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